🏯 Japanese emoji - All Japanese emojis


🏯 Japanese Castle

The iconic Japanese castle, constructed with a blend of stone and timber, representing a rich historical heritage.

🎎 Japanese Dolls

Exquisite figurines of the Japanese Emperor and Empress, cherished symbols showcased during Hinamatsuri (Girls' or Dolls' Day) on March 3 in Japan.

🏣 Japanese Post Office

A quaint Japanese post office, adorned with the distinct Japanese postal insignia on its façade, symbolizing communication and connection.

πŸ‰ Japanese “Bargain” Button

An emblem of a "good bargain" in Japanese culture, denoting value and savings.

🈲 Japanese “Prohibited” Button

A sign of restraint, prohibition, or restriction, echoing the notion of 'forbidden' in Japanese.

㊗️ Japanese “Congratulations” Button

A joyful expression of "congratulations" or wishes for happiness in Japanese celebrations.

🈳 Japanese “Vacancy” Button

This character conveys the idea of availability and emptiness, often used for indicating vacant parking spots or hotel rooms.

🈸 Japanese “Application” Button

This emoji carries a dual meaning, signifying both application and request in Japanese context.

🈯 Japanese “Reserved” Button

A pointer symbol, guiding the way and indicating a particular direction in Japanese culture.

🈁 Japanese “Here” Button

The embodiment of a destination, straightforwardly translating to "Here" in Japanese.

🈹 Japanese “Discount” Button

A symbol of savings and reduced prices, reflecting the concept of "cut prices" in Japan.

㊙️ Japanese “Secret” Button

This secretive emoji, known as the "Circled Ideograph Secret," holds an air of mystery, added to Unicode to convey hidden knowledge.

πŸ‰‘ Japanese “Acceptable” Button

The character representing "Acceptable" in Japanese, signifying approval or agreement, added to Emoji to reflect consensus.

🈴 Japanese “Passing Grade” Button

A symbol denoting success and the idea of "Passing Grade" in Japanese culture, where unity and achievement are celebrated.

🈷️ Japanese “Monthly Amount” Button

Representing monetary figures and values, this character is part of the broader set of CJK Ideographs used in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean writing systems.

🈡 Japanese “No Vacancy” Button

This emoji embodies "full capacity" in Japanese, often used to indicate a tank full of fuel or a prepaid phone card with no available balance.